Thinking Space

Bespoke Courses
Our own Thinking Space courses help professionals to use philosophical enquiry to improve the lives and learning of those they serve or to develop the quality of dialogue within their own organisation. Adapted for teachers, creatives, managers, academics and others, theses are our most flexible and offer, allowing us to devise materials and methods that consider your unique setting, the needs of your participants and the level of experience of those you wish to train.
Our bespoke support spans simple 1-hour tasters for staff meetings to year-long mentoring programmes. With no license fees to pay or prescribed curriculum, our bespoke courses suit limited budgets too.
This flyer lists our current prices.

Thinking Moves A-Z
Thinking Moves A–Z provides a vocabulary for thinking. The moves themselves are not new – we all use them in our learning and our life every day. But in devising, organising and exploring them through activities and lesson plans, DialogueWorks has created a powerful way of talking about how we think. This metacognitive language gives us a meaningful and memorable means to work on improving the effectiveness of our thinking.
Grace, Kate and Maria are registered DialogueWorks Trainers for this modular 6-hour course which can be taught in seminars in-person or online.

P4C Plus
Developed by DialogueWorks, P4C Plus has been designed to show teachers and students how to embed the power of P4C across all teaching and learning through two important innovations:
Thinking Moves A–Z, which adds a new vocabulary for metacognition and the development of thinking skills
The six strands of Philosophical Teaching, which extend P4C into a pedagogy that works across the entire curriculum
Grace, Kate and Maria are registered DialogueWorks Trainers for this 12-hour course which can be taught in-person or online.

P4C Level 1
SAPERE's P4C Foundation Course Level 1 enables you to start practising P4C with your students straight away. The course introduces the theory and practice of P4C, provides the tools to develop students’ questioning and thinking skills, connects P4C to the curriculum, demonstrates philosophical enquiry in practice and presents P4C resources. Completion of the course will qualify you for a SAPERE P4C Initial Practitioner Certificate.
Grace, Darren, Kate and Maria are registered SAPERE trainers and can run this 12-hour course over two days in-person or over a series of twilights or online modules.

P4C Level 2A
SAPERE'S P4C Advanced Course Level 2A advances facilitation skills and equips participants to support less-experienced colleagues. The course examines the nature, purpose and methods of philosophical enquiry, materials to stimulate deeper philosophical thinking and dialogue, tools for better philosophical thinking and facilitation, criteria for planning and evaluating progress and the theory and practice of critical, creative, caring and collaborative thinking. Participants must hold a SAPERE P4C Initial Practitioner Certificate to attend.
Grace is a registered SAPERE Trainer for this 2-day course.

Philosophy Circles
Traditional P4C follows a series of stages. Children encounter a stimulus, think about the ideas in it, create questions, evaluate them and choose one to talk about. In Philosophy Circles, the facilitator usually asks the first question, so the discussion gets started faster. The children’s own questions are still important, but they emerge through discussion. Rather than stages, Philosophy Circles is built around three facilitation principles which run through the whole process. It makes it more fast-paced and versatile for use across the curriculum.
Grace offers this one-day course on behalf of Jason Buckley and Tom Bigglestone who created this and many other excellent courses and resources available at The Philosophy Man.